My day started once I
realised that the distant noise I was hearing from somewhere far, far away, was
in fact my alarm clock. I had not slept well but then I never do when my
husband/ hot water bottle/ the ‘there there’ shoulder patter during my odd nightmares.
I must have got up five times between first turning the light off for the night
and the infernal alarm going off. Then as we all know, when you do finally drop
of into a proper sleep, it is a rude awakening when the peepeepeepeep goes off
and you are still tired.
When Steve is at home he
hassles me around in the mornings whilst I am moving like a sloth, giving
regular announcements of ‘Leaving the house in fifteen minutes, Leaving the
house in ten minutes, Leaving the house in Five Four Three……’ During that time
as I run up and down the stairs thirty times like a headless chicken trying to
find stuff or trying to remember why I went up there; he calmly tidies up a bit.
I make the bed and perform a new art work with cushions, soft animals, throws,
knee rugs etc. Then I have to do something about my unruly hair and try to
improve my facial appearance with pencils and lippy; and that is getting hardy
these days, but still, I wouldn’t answer the door to the postman without some
attempt made on my face and hair.
When I got home from the
early swim session that I did make on time even without himself around, I sent
Steve a What’s App message to say ‘I’m home dear’ and he was calling back in no
time because he knew that my next appointment was a Sports Massage with Vicky
Vickary in Arundel so not a lot of spare time. The general gist of his call,
remembering that I have been cruelly been left behind whilst he flitted off to
blinkin’ Hawaii if you please, with his Ironman athlete who he has been
helping, was to tell me that they had just got back from Swimming with the
Manta Rays!?!?!?!?
Craig Hunter looking lean and mean and ready to race.
Here’s me, slogging away at
training, then slaving over a hot computer and doing all sorts of other jobs
concerned with the business, putting out the bins before the collection misses
me, and they are living the life of Riley, whoever he was. Steve was so excited
to tell me how wonderful it was and how they went out on the boat and then huge
lights were played into the water, which attracted the Plankton and then the
Manta rays float in, astonishingly 12’ wide, or square I would think. What a
lovely time they had. MMMM! ‘Wish you were here’ was missed out entirely!
I reminded him that I had
stuff to do and that my diet was going well and that I was not missing the wine
that I had dropped out of my eating regime but was having trouble with my big
cut down on my beloved coffee with creamer and Manuka honey and that cutting
down to just two cups a day was, after a week torture for me now. I so what a
lot of cups more.
(As you can see here it is worse than torture for Craig to stand still for Steve to take an Ironman Hawaii photo.
Mr Modesty himself, I bet he has never taken a selfie!)
Steve's response was that he had
also been eating healthily as he told me yesterday and was having Poke Ahi (Raw
Tuna probably Yellow Fin) with salad at home in his little apartment. He said
he had been having the Poke for every meal, which I though even for your very
favourite food was a little excessive.
After the swim this morning on the
stroll out to the car park, I related the Poke Ahi story to our friend Kevin
Pearson and we had the following conversation:-
Me: Steve
is eating nothing but Poke Ahi and salad. I had to explain what the Hawaiian
dish was.
He’ll smell like a …....tuna when he gets back.
Me: Yes but
he should be swimming faster!
Kevin: Yes
but he will be breathing out of holes on the side of his head Daf.
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