Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Time to dream

Obviously this was a senior moment this evening. After washing up the dinner things and having a chat on the phone with my sister, I came back to my work room and sat down to transfer the post that I had written earlier to put on my blog here. Do you think I could find it? I have been through everything so all I can think is that I closed it without saving it. It was just me blathering on a usual about my day, Steve's day in Henley, and our coming plans. It's no great loss and I'm not going to spend the evening looking for it either.
Here related below is one of my colourful dreams. What am I like eh? 
Dream No.27 Serpent Coats
I was putting away a small sports clothes wash
Having taken them out of the dryer
These are my most used most useful
Light weight sports coats
One is bright blue
The other though pretty similar
Is luminous visi-pink
The both have hoods
I am smoothing them
Ready to fold them in three in the usual way
To them put them away in the cupboard to stay
With other sports kit ready for the next wearing
As I smooth it in my hand toward to hood
It changes as is lies in my hands
And becomes a snake
A very large snake
This is not good
The two colours have blended now
Day glo pink down the centre of its back
And bright blue all along the sides
It grows exponentially as I hold it
Although I am an older lady
I have no fear that it will attack
I still manage to hold this enormous creature
Though it looks like something
That David Attenborough would show
As needing ten strong men to hold
I realise that this is impossible and that it must be a dream
Not just from the obvious weight
But because I am not in the least phased by it
Holding the writhing monster I feel quite bold
And actually find the texture of it pleasant.
I look around wondering where to put it down
And find, just by my side
A crystal stopper the size of a chair
As broad, as wide
As I pull out the stopper
I know that this also would in reality
Be far too heavy for me to hold
Still I lay the stopper to one side
Still holding the head end of the serpent 
Firmly and comfortably under my free arm.
The opening leads into a fantastic crystal compartment
And I lead the snakes head into this space
And it goes in willingly
As is slithers and slides into this place
I see just how enormous the creature now is
Since the crystal container is the size of a large room
And this room is oval shaped
About ten metres long and five metres wide,
But only just high enough for the snake.
This brightly coloured behemoth
Seems perfectly happy moving slowly around
Passing and re-passing
Its own great length and girth,
Over and over again.
I replace the stopper and go downstairs
Though previously there were no stairs
They are but newly found.
Now as I enter the room
I see that the crystal container is the ceiling now
And the serpent gazes benignly down at me
Through the glass don’t ask me how.
I wonder how it can be content
Contained as it is
Even in beautiful crystal surroundings,
I tear my fascinated gaze away
From the writhing effect of the ceiling sent
And see that I am in a beautifully furnished
Spacious thickly carpeted oval room
An oval office;
The Oval Office!
I recognise it from TV
The huge carved desk
The bronze statue of a cowboy on a bucking horse
The portrait of George Washington on the wall I see
The two sumptuous settees’ facing each other
The flags at the bay windows behind the desk
And other fine antiques of course
The POTUS is not present
Nobody is there but me.
I walk around the desk
Trailing my hand over the surface
I feel some of the fine carving
That was hand chiselled by a craftsman
Who worked on the cupboard doors of the desk.
I am absolutely certain
That is the Oval Office.
But then,
I see my very own
Marble Art Deco clock!
It is standing on a sideboard
My examination has quickly shown this
I am totally certain that it is
MY clock.
My brow furrows trying to work out
Why my heavy marble clock
Is on the sideboard
In the office of the President of the United States.
Why I am in the office of Barack Obama
And not arrested!
Alarms ring!
My husband puts his hand gently on my shoulder and say’s
“Time to get up darling”.


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